Wednesday, 10 July 2013

Sey Rinpoche s Monasteries

                    Shikar Beh  Peak / peak is the left highest at 6180m


      Tokden Drubwang Dugu Shakya Shri 1853-1919 an enlightened Tibetan Yogi ,here his  statue/once golden on the outside, later it was burned in a fire while transported from Tibet.His biography was originaly carved in woodblocks,kept in the monastery s library
Drubwang Shakya Shri on the wall of Sural Gompa, in Pangi, Himachal

H. E. Sey Rinpoche Gelek Namgyal great grandson and holder of Drubwang Shakya Shri Lineage/right of foto, 
     Lama Thubten/left of foto


The little monastery in Manali ,named  Apho Rinpoche Gompa/monastery,after Sey Rinpoche s  father Kyabje Apho Rinpoche Yeshe Rangdrol 1922-1974


      Early morning light over the peaks..

     After the 2 week Kilaya puja..

Sey Rinpoche , family , lamas ,nuns and monks ..

Mahasiddha Virupa     

Altar with Kilaya Tormas..

After heavy snowfall..

 Freezing winter, 2 C inside room.. 



Snow gone...

Sey Rinpoche,said that the left skull was from wild sheep,the right skull from six month old !!wild yak/from Tibet

check the size of the 6 month old wild yak!! I /heigth 1.83, am holding it
Sey Rinpoche ,me and nun in Himachal/Beas river
Excursion with Sey Rinpoche towards Rothang Pass

monk climbing up searching for wood

climbing up a bit towards Rothang Pass

Rothang Pass is towards left corner ,snowy area

Straight on from these mountains ,some 10 km ,are the mountains overlooking Apho Rinpoche monastery

Himalayan eagle/not the usual vulture in the area

Its dawn,streams coming down from the hills are frozen!overnight

with Sey Rinpoche and at his right, His Holiness Gyalwang Drugpa/wearing golden jacket and cap,many lamas nuns and lay disciples, on the trek/walk from Rothang pass to Ladhak

H.H. Gyalwang Drukpa,Sey Rinpoche and lama

On the trek with Sey Rinpoche and friends to Ladhak at Taglang La pass/highest pass on Manali -Leh highway, elevation 5,328 metres (17,480 ft),sign claims 17582 ft

H.H. the 12th Gyalwang Drukpa,Drukchen Rinpoche on the ceremony of wearing Naropa s Ornaments at Hemis Gompa/ monastery/his main seat

Sey Rinpoche and other Rinpoches of the Drukpa Kagyu Lineage at Hemis Gompa
Naropa s ornaments worn by Drukchen Rinpoche
At Sey Rinpoche s  Gostang Gompa/ monastery/at 4050 m

View from Gostang Gompa
Mahasiddha Naropa 1016-1100 A.D.

Sey Rinpoche with the incarnation of his father Apho Rinpoche
With Sey Rimpoche ,family,lamas and friends,overlooking Leh valley
View from Gostang overlooking Leh valley

View from Apho Rinpoche monastery

with Sey Rinpoche,family,lamas,nuns & friends,pic nic

Sey Rinpoche,his sister Khandro Trinlay Chodon and lama Emi

video above ,Guru Rinpoche cave,lake Tsopema,below views from Apho Rinpoche monastery
Lake Rewalsar/Tso Pema,sacred to Guru Rinpoche

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